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Access to clean water is completely life changing in every way. Clean water, good hygiene and adequate sewage disposal prevents disease and saves lives. Clean water is very much taken for granted in the West. When we turn on the tap, clean water flows. It has always been there. This isn't the case for over one billion people, including many of our brothers and sisters in Africa and Asia. Collecting water is a daily burden that is often tasked to girls. Water collection reduces the time available for earning an income or going to school, which in turn contributes to ongoing poverty. Water is often contaminated with waterborne pathogens causing debilitating illnesses, some of which result in death. 


Agape in Action’s Water Program provides clean water to families, ecclesias and communities. Rainwater tanks and wells at ecclesial halls and Agape in Action schools are the most common ways clean water is provided. Wells are open to the entire community. 


Sanitation is also very important in the prevention of life-threatening illnesses, such as cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases. Through this program, Agape in Action builds and maintains toilets. These toilets have been built for elderly widows, at schools and children's homes. Not only do these toilets prevent disease, they restore dignity.  


After an earmarked donation, we were able to obtain 10 Solvatten ( units. These combine water treatment with solar water heating and are typically used in situations where water resources are scarce and prone to contamination. We are currently trialling the units in the field. 

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Agape in Action Australia Ltd

ACN: 625 370 265

ABN: 61625370265

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